Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sultry Latin heat.

Woo! Ciete de Mayo! Woo!

I did make mayonnaise yesterday and it was guh-ross. I blame the olive oil and screw you, Ray-Ray. More to the point it is ridiculously hot and I have no AC. Well I do have AC, but I'm using it to power a forest of fans. Cold shower. Now.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Dos de Mayo!

Woooo! Cinco de Mayo is coming up fast. Cinco el Mayo, if course, is the day when St. Valentine drove the snakes out of Jesus' tomb, and when they rolled back the stone.....the flag was still there. And we celebrate this glorious occasion by getting hammered on cheap Mexican beer. Woooo!

In all seriousness, I'm of the mind that Cinco del Mayo is the new St. Patrick's day. An obscure minor holiday that morphs into an excuse to dress up and get drunk. The holiday may be Mexican in origin, but that sentiment is 100% American, baby. So to welcome Cinco la Mayo into our co-opted holiday family, I'm going to make an All-American housewarming gift. And what's more American than mayonnaise? Home-made mayonnaise suitable for use in ham sandwiches and potato and pasta salads. Just like Abuela used to make!