Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A winner is you!

Athena got a job interview with the American Cancer Society today. And I got a Netflix subscription. So it looks like everyone's a winner. Except for you, because you have to read this boring post.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hey check out Posty Mcgee over here.

Okay! And we're back, guys. And by 'we' I mean 'me' and by 'guys' I mean 'also me'.

Lotta stuff happened in the past few weeks so I'll just hit the high points, in no particular order.

1. Spent a weekend with my brodelayheehoo and watched Nathan Drake explore Aztec ruins in gorgeous HD.
2. Decided that Lazenby is the best Bond.
3. Ran into the street to rescue a bird.
4. Got a brand-new shiny cast.
5. Just kidding.
6. Found a few new recipes to test.
7. Lost 3 gigs of music!
8. Nap time.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Death in the family.

There has been a death in the family, so I will be far and away for a few days. No doubt I'll feel an urge to put down some thoughts I have about the funeral and funerals in general, but I'm sure you'll understand when I don't. Just be aware-> Funerals: I have opinions.